You Know My Name

I am Jessica Briel….

The rest is to be determined. One thing I do know for sure is who I am is not based on a my last name. You may have been a wife but now divorced or a widow. You may have been a mother but you lost a child. You may have been a daughter but your parents are no longer living. You may have been an employee but you lost your job. You may have had a bunch of money in the bank and now you find yourself struggling.

Whatever your past, present or future title, it does not define who you are. You have to learn who you are despite of your accomplishments, failures, position, status or circumstances. You can’t depend on a person, place or thing to validate you.

The question we all need to ask ourselves is who am I? Do you know what makes you happy? If you didn’t have the position, if you lost your job, if you lose the house, if your children grow up and move out of the house…who are you?

We all have a purpose and a reason for being on this earth. God made you special with a unique ability, gift, talent, skill that only you can give to the world.

He knows who you are better than you know yourself. If you are struggling to find your place continue to look inside and self-reflect.

I’m so glad God knows my name. He walks with me and He talks with me. He tells me I am his own.

-Jessica Briel

You know my name by Tasha Cobbs

You Know My Name


There are some people who can walk through life without any worry or stress. They simply enjoy life. They live in the moment. They know where they are headed in life and they don’t fear when they don’t know every detail. And then there is me.

I tend to overthink everything. I question everything. If my life came with a minute by minute playbook of who, what, and when things were going to happen, I would be overjoyed. But life isn’t like that and no matter how much you plan or try to predict what is going to happen, you can’t. Life happens and sometimes you have to just go with the flow.

Overthinking will cause you to miss opportunities.  You will be so busy wondering if you are doing the right thing and you will talk yourself out of a blessing. Just because you don’t have all the details doesn’t mean the situation won’t work out. Being consumed with worry is just another tool the enemy will use to distract you.

Let’s look at the story of Mary and Martha. Jesus comes to visit their home.  If I were to guess, I would say that Martha was an overthinker. I bet she had been ripping and running all day trying to prepare things for Jesus’s visit.  I can only imagine she was a perfectionist, and she wanted things to be just right for the Master Teacher.

While Jesus was teaching, Martha was busy preparing a big dinner for him. The story says her sister Mary was at the foot of Jesus listening to his every word. Martha was so distracted by what she thought she needed to be doing, she couldn’t allow herself to live in that precious moment.

I mean he was no ordinary man. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and she was about to allow it to pass her by. Not only was she so concerned about what she had planned, but she actually asked Jesus to tell Mary to come and help her because she was alone doing all the work.

Jesus replies to her saying, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!” “There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”‭‭Luke‬ ‭10:41-42‬ ‭NLT‬‬.

Mary was seizing the moment. Mary saw the rare opportunity in front of her and took full advantage. Mary realized that whatever she thought was more important was no longer a priority.

I’m learning how to be more like Mary and less like Martha. This is the same Mary that took a 12-ounce jar of very expensive perfume and poured in on his feet and dried in with her hair. I bet you Martha would have over thought the decision to do that. She would’ve questioned the value of doing something so out of the ordinary. She may have even reacted like the other disciples and said what a waste!

But when life happens you have to be willing to adjust. You will not be able to plan out each minute of every day. If you overthink a situation or become so focused on knowing all of the details, you will miss out on some of your life’s biggest opportunities. Don’t let things distract you from what is really important.

The biggest difference I see between Mary and Martha is their points of view. I’m still learning how to relax and enjoy life as it comes. I’m learning how to be open to change. I’m learning how to put my hope, faith and trust in God. I’m learning how to Just Breath.

God has the master plan. He has orchestrated your life from day one. All you have to do is rest in him and his promises. Spend time with him and his word. Make time to give him worship and praise. Sit back and watch God blow your mind.

Reckless Love of God


God’s love is relentless! God’s love is amazing!  His love leaves me in awe.  I couldn’t earn it and I sure don’t deserve it.  Yet it fights for me. I love the way He loves me.  I love the way he chases after me.

If you have ever been through a deep hurt, tough loss, or heartbreak, you know how hard it can be to come back from that.  You may lose your identity, your self-worth and purpose.  If you are not careful you will start to look for validation through other people and material things.  You may start to look for ways to cope.  You may turn to drugs, alcohol, sex and toxic relationships.  If I could just offer you another alternative.  Please try Jesus.  I promise you there is no love greater.

You may be saying how do I do that.  The first thing I would suggest is just open your heart and talk to God.  Just have a straight up conversation with him.  Tell him all of your thoughts and what you are feeling inside. You may think doesn’t He already know that, and He does but this gives you the opportunity to confess your insecurities and your issues. You can’t heal what you won’t address or confront.

The next thing I would suggest is open up the bible.  The bible app is a great place to start.  You can change the translations to something you can understand.  My personal favorite is the NLT version.  I would say pick a devotional that speaks to the issues you are going through and dive right in.  YouTube is another great resource to find sermons that speak to you. Don’t underestimate the power of His word to transform your thought life and your perception of your circumstances.

Lastly, I would say praise and worship. I don’t mean just at a church service.  You need to take time out of your day to say thank you.  Not just because he woke you up this morning but because of who He is.  Put on some worship and praise songs and sing.  Sing until you feel a difference.  Sing to an audience of one. Sing to the one who deserves our praise.  The bible tells us to put on the garment of praise to lift the spirit of heaviness.  It may seem weird at first but I promise you it works.

There is nothing like the presence of God. When you do these three things consistently you will start to feel different. Depression and negative thoughts about yourself and your situation will start to go away.  Your situation may not change over night but during this time God is building you up for the better.  He is changing things, making ways and rearranging things on your behalf.

Trust me, I would not be saying these things if I didn’t experience it for myself.  God loves his children with an everlasting love.  He wants us to be whole, satisfied and healed emotionally, mentally and physically.   He will never leave you or forsake you. The bible says He will leave the 99 to chase after one.  That one is you!

(I do not own the rights to this music)

Get Back Up!

I have never been a fan of Boxing. It’s so much violence. You watch someone repeatedly get hit over and over until they go down. The whole objective is to take your opponent to his knees. You want him to stay down and not get back up. 

When I think of boxing, I think of life. We are always in a battle fighting the enemy. His whole objective is to strike us with a mighty blow that will take us down. Satan wants us out for the count. Whether we encounter temptations, heartbreak, illnesses, or hard losses these things come to take us out. 

I am reminded of the story of Samson and Delilah. It is a very familiar passage. Samson was very unique in his ability. Samson had supernatural strength. But he had a secret. His strength was in his hair. He got himself in a situation that caused him to lose his strength. He was fighting against temptation and it finally took him down. 

But my favorite part of the story is Judges 16:22. It says “But before long his hair began to grow back.”

I can almost imagine him saying just when you thought my strength was gone, just when you thought I was down, you may have started the count but before it was all over I got up again.

Samson’s hair started to grow. He was getting his strength back! The Bible tells us God used Samson more powerfully in his weakness than he had in the rest of Samson’s life.

You see I may be down, but I’m not out. You may see my weaknesses but in my weakness, God is strong. You may see my flaws but God still uses me. I may have suffered a loss but I’m still winning this match. I’m still in the ring and I got my strength back!

My past can’t keep me down. My mistakes can’t keep me down. Divorce can’t keep me down. Heartbreak can’t keep me down. Sickeness can’t keep me down. Life can’t keep me down.

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭24:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬, says “the godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked”.

Every time I fall, I will get back up again because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world! 
I have the greatest coach with me in the boxing ring of life and as long as listen, obey and follow His commands I don’t have to fall, but when I do, it is He that gives me the strength to endure. I know where my help comes from. It comes from the Lord!

Single Goals

Many people post about relationship goals but how about single goals. Not just single as in a relationship status but single as in a whole, complete, satisfied individual. 

“Marriage is not a reward and singleness is not a punishment”. Not everyone wants to be married, not everyone wants to be single. But whatever season you find yourself in, don’t lose focus on who you are and what makes you happy with or without someone in your life. 

Be content and satisfied with you. No one should have to validate who you are. #Singlegoals (whole, special, complete, unique, secure, confident, purposed, one of a kind) Hello somebody! #justthinking

Be Mean In 2018!

I know this might not sound like your typical New Year’s resolution. Just hear me out.  If 2017 has taught me anything, it is that I need to set up clearer boundaries.  I’ve learned it’s okay to say no.  It’s okay to stand up for yourself.  It’s okay to not be a people pleaser. I think all of my years working as a customer service representative is to blame.  I have been taught to be accommodating, adjustable, flexible, and adaptable.

So when should you stop being nice? When it impacts your emotional well-being.  When you are no longer focused on your mental health because you place others’ needs before your own.

2017 has taught me to put myself first.  That no one will treat me better than I treat myself. You teach people how to treat you.  If you are constantly giving in or giving over to someone else’s agenda, motive, and plan, a small piece of you is chipping away.  Those that can, will start to take advantage of you.

God did not create you to be mishandled, used and abused. Let go of anyone who doesn’t value your worth.

Matthew 7:6 says “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” (NASB)

You have to discover who the dogs and the swine are in your life.  They will tear you to pieces because they can’t understand the value of a good thing.  They don’t appreciate your willingness to be dedicated or consecrated to God.  They don’t appreciate the fact that you try to treat others as you would like to be treated.  They won’t appreciate all the good deeds you performed for them and your efforts to be more Christ-like.

Let’s face it no one respects a push over.  Sometimes you have to be mean and stand up for yourself. You have to realize your thoughts and opinions matter. You have to realize that you matter.  You have to realize your worth.  When you discover who you truly are, you will not have time for mess.  You will say what you mean, and mean what you say.

You don’t have to behave in a nasty, disrespectful or obnoxious manner. You just have to let your voice be heard so no one will feel they have the right to violate, abuse or mistreat you in anyway, shape or form.  So I’m saving my niceness for people who will appreciate it.   Happy New Year everyone.  Let’s make 2018 a great one!

The Power Of Confession Changed My Life

How many times have you heard someone say your words have power, or if you grew up in church like me, you may have heard the scripture about the power of life and death being in your tongue.  Well I have heard this all my life, I applied the scripture in some areas of my life but not all. For example, I would never say something awful to a person like I hope you die or get hit by a car. I mean I didn’t believe my words had the power to kill someone but it was out of principle.

It wasn’t until early this year when realized the true meaning of this scripture.  How I could use my words to transform and renew my mind.  Confessing the scriptures and speaking positive affirmations is what has brought me out of some of my deepest and darkest times this year. It all started with losing my job unexpectedly.  The loss of my job had me feeling burden down with rejection. I had been at this job for 9 plus years and I couldn’t even get rehired with the company doing another position.  I felt betrayed and had all sorts of anxiety about finding a new job.  I had been attending New Light Church were Pastors IV & Bridget Hilliard taught on the power of confessions. They taught on confessions so much it made me uncomfortable at first because I thought we were just reciting words that sounded good, but out of obedience I said them anyway.  Then on Saturdays I attended Woodland Church’s Job Support Group, and they would spend half of the meeting teaching us to make confessions.  Again, I thought how is this going to help me find a job.  Nevertheless, I kept attending and making my confessions.  I didn’t even realize how my mood improved and my anxiety began to decrease.  Then I attended Work Faith Connection, a non-profit career bootcamp for 8 days, and each morning we were encouraged to speak confessions. God was setting me up for success.

So each day I continued to speak the word of God over my life.  I would tell myself God is on my side, I will not fear, you are an overcomer, you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, you are a new creature predestined for greatness, you are a child of a king.  I was getting stronger and stronger in my faith.  My confidence grew leaps and bounds.  I no longer feared not getting a job, but I had hope to believe that the right job would come to me.  It wasn’t like I didn’t have a degree, or skills, or expertise. I just lacked the mental ability to see beyond what I was going through. See when your mind is consumed with negative thoughts it spills over into your actions.  It can change the way someone perceives you.  It can change the way you see yourself.  Speaking positive confessions gave me the power to see pass what I was going through and look towards a brighter future.

I had filled out several applications, had several phone interviews, and no offers.  I still kept the faith, knowing that what was meant for me would be.  I didn’t speak anything negative but I kept saying things like, “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others” and “God’s going to put you on somebody’s mind who’s in position to restore what you lost”.  I was applying for jobs weekly, networking and using all my skills I had learned for my career coaches.  Then one day I came across a job posting that had my name writing all over it. I knew I was a great fit for it.  I told myself this was mine. I got my interview attire together, tailored my resume to the position and researched the company.  I just knew they would call me and I knew I would get the interview.  I felt it in my spirit.  A few days later, I got the call, went on the interview and knock it out of the park.  The same day they called and told me I had the job. Not even 24 hours later.  I knew it was God, and I knew it was because I was mentally prepared to do the work.

I had to let go all the anxiety, sadness and depression to become something greater, stronger, and wiser.  You can’t let bitterness and anger hold you back from getting what you deserve.  When you dealing with those negative emotions it shows, you give off the wrong vibes and you attract just what you are putting out.  When you began to speak positively and believe what you say and think wholeheartedly, you can have what you will.

I am learning more and more that I need to renew my mind daily. That I have to continue to say what God’s says about me. I have to believe in who’s I am, who God says I can be, what God says I can have. Its only when I do this I feel better and attract better opportunities.

If you don’t believe me try it for yourself.  I had to fake it till I believed it myself. I kept saying affirmations until I believed what I was saying was true.  Many successful people use affirmations, quotes, scriptures and confessions.  It’s key to you having a positive self-image, self-awareness and healthy mental state of mind.  Your words matter! You have the power!



Have you ever had to be courageous during a difficult time in your life? 

Job loss, divorce, sickness, loss of a loved one, etc? 

How did you push forward? Where did you get your strength?

Let’s chat about it..